a champ will born!

Ouh it's 2013...
the latest post before this post was wrote at 2012 i guess....or...2011.
but never mine. i will swear to myself, I will rajinly(mentang-mentang musim cuti la katakan) update this blog to use it for sharing-sharing moment, hebahan isu semasa, dalam dan luar negara, and to out there can READ, KNOW n CAKNA to what I'm going to write about. hueee.

a champ will born!
InsyaAllah, doakan semoga my sister dipermudahkan deliver anak dia :)
about this blog. it was tiring to selenggara it. change it design and all the template has been tested. and this is the final one. hope the readers can read all the post clear and calmly.
about why I'm speaking(actually writing) in English....because my mood say so. heeee..to improve my English also.

today I would like to share about A WORLD WITHOUT ISLAM.
Imagine, if you will, a world without Islam.
somesays "could not imagine" n "qiamat".
I honestly can't imagine what will this wolrd be if there is no Islam.
Alhamdulillah I'm a Muslim. :)
so many things happen nowadays to me. My junior, Siti Hajar Binti Ahmad Sabir had passed away at Sunday morning. I got know that she getting critical at Friday, and the rest I don't know because I'm not online for few days.
Semoga roh nya dicucuri rahmat dan ditempatkan bersama mereka-mereka yang beriman dan beramal soleh.InsyaAllah amin.

I wan't to kaitkan about the accident at 6 January, and ISLAM.
The accident involve my juniors. Alhamdulillah three of them still alive and Siti Hajar passed away after about two weeks at Hospital Besar Melaka.
You know what? they only my junior. not my sister nor my family. But they are my relatives in Islam.
In Islam, we have UKHWAH.
what is this UKHWAH things?
UKHWAH is the things that we can ONLY feel it without hold it.
terasa manisnya ukhwah Islami bilamana saudara seIslam kita ditimpa musibah dan semua sahabat-sahabat memobilasi kan semua cara yang ada untuk membantu junior-junior tadi.
Serius...that UKHWAH thing was so beautiful..

A WORLD WITHOUT ISLAM nearly impossible, it would seem, when images and references to Islam dominate our headlines, airwaves, computer screens, and political debates. Western people are inundated with term such as jihad, fatwa, madrasa, Taliban, Wahabi, mullah, martyr, mujahideen, Islamic radicals and Shari'a law.
Islam would seem to lie at the every center of the American struggle against terrorism and the long commitment to several overseas wars launched with the "Global war on terror".

Indeed, Islam seems to offer an instant and uncomplicated analytical touchstone for most affairs in the Middle East, by which to make sense of today's conclusive world. By referring to Islam, we can reduce things to a polarized struggle between "Western values" and the "Muslim world".
Graham F.Fuller-A world without Islam-

A bit heavy sharing. Graham has make a thesis about A world without Islam and see Islam from different perspective. Semoga Graham dibukakan pintu hati untuk terima Islam insyaAllah :) 


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