
Salam alaik.

Somesays don't be Judgmental.

 "Judging others not define who they are...it defines who you are". 
Well said.
But. We never stop judging rite? (No tipu-tipu. Xmo-xmo. )
And I never stop judging myself with others.

It's so jealousy when others can speak fluently. 

It's so jealousy when others can speak wisely.
It's so jealousy when others got high pointer than me.
I actually jealous on many things. blablabla...
But I want to stop jealous on others.
I can continue jealous but nothing will happen or change unless I make an action to speak fluently, wisely and got high mark then others. haaha.
Easy to say. hard to do. boooo.

I always compare myself with this one person.

Her attitude really make me so jealous with her.
She is so kind. appreciate people around her. care to others more than herself.
I wish I can be like her.
Can look up others because Rasulullah already do it.(sunnah).
Can speak 'nasihat' because Allah told to do so.

And every word she say make me feel the Iman and Islam was bound so tight.
The ukhwah feel so sweet. and I can't explain it unless u try it by yourself.
By the way, ukhwah is like your both hands but not like an ears.
because left hand can garuk-garuk right hand when the right hand got itchy-itchy.
Ukhwah not like ears, nearer we are, the farer(seems not rite...haha) it is.
hope you guys can know basically what ukhwah is.

Back to judging others.
In others perspective,
we always see others is bad than we are.
we always see others not rajin cook as we are.
we always see others cannot speak infront or not good in explanation as we are.

But. that is you are. haha!
if we judging just to define who more stronger.more 'pandai dan bijak' naaa..forget it.
But. Judging others to make comparison for a better future is good.

sekian :)

*writing in English bcos of this, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cZG0c9rkxe0

*sambil tulis sambil listen to this, 


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